Services & Fees
Full day
- Eight hour mediation
- Preparation, preliminary conferences and mediations longer than eight hours charged at $500 per hour
Half day
- Four hour mediation
- Preparation, preliminary conferences and mediations longer than four hours charged at $500 per hour
Expert conclave facilitation
- Includes 4 hours preparation, conclave and assisting experts to finalise joint report
- Additional time charged at $500 per hour
- Please note all prices quoted above are excl. GST
- Cancellation fees: All preparation time will be charged at the hourly rate; matters cancelled within one working day scheduled mediation or facilitation will be charged at 50%.
Regional NSW & Interstate
- Full day rate quoted applies. Transport and accommodation will be charged at cost and agreed in advance.
- No disbursements applied for mediations in the ACT, Wollongong or Newcastle.
After hours
Mediations and conferences commencing after 6pm – $500 per hour, minimum 2 hours.
Pro bono/reduced fees
Kerry will consider reduced fees in hardship matters or not-for-profit providers of legal services. Please ring her to discuss.